2015 年 4 月 19 日(星期日) 谷埔石芽頭
2015 年 4 月 19 日(星期日) 谷埔石芽頭
行程:鹿頸-鳳坑-谷埔 -尖光峒坳 -石芽頭 ( 245.1米)-榕鎖古道坳-鎖羅盤187.8米山頭-榕樹澳-亞公坳-谷埔-鳳坑-鹿頸。 帶行山杖,約行 4.5小時
攀山探奇有一定風險,參加者應配有合適的行山裝備,並量力而為,並因應個人需要帶備所需物品,充足糧水,防晒用品如太陽帽、太陽油、毛巾、防蚊用品、雨具、行山杖及行山鞋。行山以個人安全和健康為第一位頭如感覺身體不適,請勿隨隊活動;或在途中感到不適,定要通知邀請者或同行者便可,慎防山火,保持郊野清潔,帶走垃圾,避免破壞生態環境,結伴同行,責任自付 並自購旅行保險。
集合:上午十時三十分粉嶺火事鐵站 C 出口集合乘車出發。
聯絡:朱小姐 54005790,李先生 63010517,陳先生 92294381
I am Tommy, an old boy but new to hiking. Joined KC's hiking only 4 times. I write this review because I like to make a little contribution. Please excuse my english because my computer cannot handle chinese.
回覆刪除First time:2015年 3 月 15 日(星期日) 龍鼓灘群山
my review: very exciting, very good for hiker. Not too suitable for new hiker. must have good shoes for lots of slippery slope, stick, gloves and a cap. The last part of the hike by about 4PM is very challenging as I am exhausted. If the last part can be started first in the morning, when there is more energy, it may be easier. But I understand pubilc bus may be hard to arrange to hike the last part first.
Second:2015 年 3 月 22 日(星期日) 玉女橫七鹹坑尾
my review: the beginning part is very slippery with wet trees leaves and branches, but it is not too long with the last part of the hike very well planned, and suitable for new beginner.
Third:2015 年 3 月 29 日(星期日) 牛牯灣老人山
This is not a hard trip, but a long march! By about 4:30PM, we have to climb three "ladders to the heaven". Not for new or too old, a long march that really test your energy. If the trip can be hiked in reverse, that is, hike the very steep last part(hill top) first in the morning, the rest is not bad and anyone new or old can try. But again, public bus may be hard to arrange to hike in reverse.
Fourth:2015 年 4 月 19 日(星期日) 谷埔石芽頭
My review: This is not too easy for hiking, but it is well planned and the trip length is just right. The view is very nice, as good as any hike I have been. Must have all the hiking gears. New hikers can challenge themselves, while experience hiker enjoy the view.
This is all I have to share. Please share your view.
******GO HIKERS!!******
回覆刪除1. 個人覺得,這隊很多路線也不是設計給行山新手的。
刪除2. 我行山見過唔少老人爬我頭(我行速唔慢),其實視乎你有無行開山。
3. 行山跟其他運動不同,長時間(6小時)不停地上落山消耗體力好正常,你唯一可以做只有逼自己越行越長線。
4. 龍鼓灘群山尾段唔難行,都係同樣浮沙碎路路,小心地行無問題
5. 老人山果段都唔算天梯,你試行下黃龍坑郊遊徑上大東山啦!
6. 我喜歡KC設計的路線,跟過幾次後行山技巧都進步左,我覺得有難度先好玩。
7. 我之前好少行澗,希望KC夏天開澗線玩:-)
Appreciate the comment. I am new to hiking and my review is intended for new hikers, or other people who passes by this blog who may have idea to offer, or those who likes to join.
回覆刪除No need to say this is a good hiking group with lots of experience. There is always higher ground to be achieved, and yes it was a challenging trip, so I hope we can once again do 龍鼓灘群山!!
*****GO HIKERS GO!!!!******